Tuesday 24 October 2006

Japan Trip, Oct 2006 - How to use a trolley on the escalator

We landed in Tokyo, Japan the day before Ms YI's wedding. Her wedding is held in Okayama, so we need to take a couple of train rides.

The train system is very efficient in Japan, and the seat booking system is fairly easy to use. 

There was something odd about the airport train station though.

As we enter the train station area, we saw people using their airport lugguage trolley/cart on the escalator. SP and I immediately thought some people are being stupid and causing danger to the general public!

However, when we got to the other end of the escalator, we noticed the following poster:

Detailed instructions on how to use the airport trolleys on the escalators!

The activity is officially sanctioned (and encourgaed!) by the Japanese authority!!!

SP and I was the silly one unloading the lugguage at the top end of the escalator. hahaha

On our way out of Japan, we tried using the trolley on the escalator. It seemed quite safe going up. We are not sure about the other way round though.

Do you know of any places which allow the use of trolleys on the escalator?

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