Saturday 15 December 2007

Germany trip, Dec 2007 - Sense of humour

I was at a training in Germany earlier this week. The training involves colleagues from Germany, UK and Switzerland. We talked about cultural diversity, e.g. the Germans and Swiss wants to know when exactly they will have their Kaffeepause (coffee break) and Mittagessen (lunch), while the Brits don't really care.

But we didn't cover the differences in sense of humour! In a way, the new generation of Germans are very well travelled. Many of them spent time overseas before they begun working. But, for some, the differences is still noticeable.

At one point during the course, our trainer asked us to set goals for our next major birthday. She mentioned that her next one would be her 40th.

I then made a comment about my next big birthday being my 21st. People laughed. Then one of the older German colleagues came up to me straight away and ask me with a serious face, "Are you only 20 years old?"

Herr H, you flattered me! :)

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