Sunday 6 July 2008

Going to Agra, India (Part 7)

Taj Mahal is our only objective in Agra this time. We only had a weekend and we don't want to stay over night so we were told that we can catch a early bird to New Delhi and 200km drive to Agra to see the Taj Mahal and back is doing able in a day. The only thing we didn't understand is why 200km on a highway will need to take 4-5hours each way.

Thanks to our colleagues in India, all the flights, car rental and driver were taking care off. It was an early morning so I didn't stay up much during the journey, Mr JB was sitting at the back of the car stayed up most of the journey. I'm not sure whether it was a good experience because he got to see a lot of things you don't get to see in LA.

The only 2 things the British has left behind for India are English and rail road.

I'm not sure why they bother to have this sign...

Another useless signage...

One of the things you get to see at every corner in India are temples

Illegal dwellers on the side of the highway to Agra

Home delivery...that remind of me of Malaysia

This is the highway to Agra from New Delhi. I was asleep much of the way, so I didn't get any pictures with cows or Elephants on the road.

The journey coming back was twice the excitement for Mr JB. I was again very tired and slept all the way to New Delhi, except for once or twice opening up my eyes to check out where we were ( eventhough I have no clue where we were to start off with) We left Agra much later than we have anticipated and if according to the time its needed to get to Agra, we are definitely going to miss the plane back to Mumbai. So the driver was really nice, he did Michael Schumacher's driving style. He zig-zagged all his way on the 2 lanes highway, doing a left turn on a 4 lanes street when we on the outer right lane and doing a left turn when you have cars coming the opposite directions! People said if you could drive in Italy, you could drive anywhere in the world. But I said if you could drive the way this driver did, you can beat Schumacher's on any tracks.

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