Monday 11 December 2006

Japan Trip, Oct 2006 - Bumping into a fellow Australian in Kyoto

Around the temple area, there are some well-preserved Meiji period streets.



We wander around, and suddenly, a couple of girls wearing kimono caught our sight. That day was a national holiday in Japan and it is not uncommon for Japanese to wear their kimino to the temple during special occasion or holidays.


What caught our eye was that the two girls were trying to communicate in broken English.

It turns out that one of the girl is an exchange student from Brisbane, Australia. Her host family has got her all dressed up for the national holiday, and was showing her around East Kyoto.

Fellow Australian from Brisbance

I thought she looked good in the kimono so I asked her to take a picture with me.

Ms YI told me later that if I really wanted, I can take a couple of hours out of my trip to get dressed in a proper kimono and get myself painted in white as well. But the prospect of having this powdery stuff all over me is just too scary. I gave it a pass.


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