Monday 16 April 2007

Istanbul Trip, April 2007 - Food stalls on the streets

The streets in Istanbul is filled with food stalls. You can expect to be fed at almost every corner of the street.

Here are a selection:

Bread. These are very popular.

Char-grilled sweet corn and chestnuts.

Orange juice. My favourite.
Interesting note: oranges are called 'portakal' in Turkish because the Portuguese people brought the orange tree to Turkey.

Exotic coconut for SP!

Mussels. These stalls are everywhere. I am not quite sure about the hygiene though.

Nuts! All kinds of nuts! Apparently, Turkey is one of the biggest producers of hard-shell nuts. The small packets are 1YTL each.

Salepi dondurma (Turkish ice cream!)

We are in Turkey, so of course there are kebabs! Here is a vendor making şiş kebap (shish kebab)!

Close-up of the kebab!

Döner kebab with 200g of meat! We are pretty sure about that. The guy actually weighted the meat! :P

Slicing the meat

Fish sandwich along the Bosphorus River.

Or you can go for style and order from the fish-sandwich-shop-on-a-boat

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