Wednesday 9 January 2008

France trip, Nov 2007 - I want THAT oyster!

SP and I both love going to the French food markets. We had a great time at the Bastille market last time. This time round, we revisited the Bastille market but we also went to a different market near the Eiffel Tower - the Saxe Breteuil market.

It is only a short walk from the Eiffel Tower or the École Militaire, which is a rather exclusive area. It is definitely one of the posher market and the food are of very high quality. The market was very busy, crowded with very well-dressed people with their well-groomed dogs!

Fresh scallops


Pumpkin!! Take it out of my sight!

Poor bunny. It's bunny season.

Coq that went into my Coq au Vin

Bresse chicken. Very fair price! I wish we could bring one home.

Parma ham

My share of the ham!

Our dessert. Little cakes which were made with real nuts. They have a good level of moisture and we can taste the nuts. Highly recommended.

Wild duck. It is both duck and wabbit season! Poor Bug and Daffy!

A whole foie gras for less than €30. We need to bring some home next time!

Escargot with garlic herb butter

We went around and tried different things. At one of the stalls, we saw some giant oysters. I asked the lady whether I could get one and she told me to pick my own! It was simple!

(1) Pick the type of oysters you want

(2) She opens it for you

(3) She shows you the opened oyster. Oyster this fresh warrants a big thumbs-up!

(4) Pose for photos! In 4 quick steps, it's that easy.

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