Saturday 2 February 2008

Berlin trip, Dec 2007 - Eating out in Berlin

Berlin is not exactly gourmet capital of the world but it does offer a good range of international cuisine.

We have decided to 'save' ourselves from the giant Schlachtplatte (meat platter), Wurst (sausage), or Schweinhaxe (pork knuckle). So, over the few days, we've had takeaway Thai (we were in a rush!), fusion Vietnamnese and even modern German. In fact, the German food was very good and it was the best meal we've had in the city.

One of the most famous snack in Berlin is the Currywurst (curry sausage). It is basically hot pork sausage cut into pieces and seasoned with tomato-based curry sauce and curry powder. It is usually served with either fries or bread rolls.

I spent a week in Berlin without trying the snack. By the time when I was in the Tegel airport waiting for my flight back to London, I thought it was all too late. Then, my Swiss friend pointed out that there is a Currwurse stall by Exit D of the airport terminal. I was hungry and I don't fancy airport food, so I made my way to the exit and there it was. Die ESS-Bahn (the eating train) was right by the exit!

The shop itself was in wooden cabins of one of the former subway trains. There were people lined up constantly outside of the shop!
I ordered the Klassik Currywurst mit Brot (bread). It was much better than I expect. I finished the whole thing and was considering for second portion!

While in Berlin, SP and I also tried the chocolate fondue @ Haagen Dazs. We were cold and it was getting dark. What's better than staying in somewhere warm to eat ice cream?! :-)

The set came with two trays:

One tray of ice cream.

And another tray of fruit and cakes.

It was a very enjoyable experience and I had a good time. The chocolate fondue was also very yummy. I would definitely have it again!

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